43 years of Celtic celebration: 1982 - 2025

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| Objectives | | Official Contacts | | CCA Membership & Information | | CCA Newsletters |
| The Story of the Celtic Council | | CCA Constitution [Rules] |
| Festivals | | Education & Training |
| Australian Celtic Honours | | Australian Celtic Journal |
| Australian Celtic Festival | CCA Facebook Page | | Some Celtic commercial & not for profits |
| Celtic Links - from our Nations | | Coming Reported Events | | Major CCA Events |

Latest News: .. Next Committee meeting via Zoom Wednesday 11th March (6pm) ... Australian Celtic Journal No. 15 is still available .. Earlier issues also available information here ! .. For up to date information on any Festivals listed please contact their organisers direct .... end

This banner above is for latest news - it is updated only as information is to hand

CCA Facebook page
We also have an Instagram site

Australian Celtic Journal No 15 is available, plus previous editions ..


Official Contacts (National and NSW):
Celtic Council of Australia
Established in 1982; Incorporated (in NSW) in 2001
(Inc No 9876764); ABN 77 927 169 457 - The Celtic Council of Australia Incorporated

President (formerly titled Convenor) - Dr Pamela O'Neill
Email: President

Hon. Secretary - Mrs Jessica Grulovic
Official Postal address only: CCA c/o 8025 New England Hwy, Glencoe, NSW 2365 ; Secretary Email: Secretary

Hon. Treasurer & Public Officer NSW - Mr Peter Grimes
Email: Treasurer
Public Officer (NSW)
Postal Address for both: CCA c/o 9921 New England Highway, Glen Innes, NSW 2370.

The Council has a managing Standing Committee consisting of the President, Vice President, the Convenors of the Celtic communities represented, plus elected members from the Celtic communities and 'non aligned'. The Standing Committee elects from their number a Secretary, Treasurer, Awards Registrar; and appoints a public officer.

Other Contacts: General enquiries and Newsletter contact: celticouncilofaustralia@gmail.com

For ALL web site and Facebook matters contact the Webmaster E-mail direct: Celtic Council Webmaster

CCA Information booklet and membership joining form (ie.view/print pdf)

Individual Membership: annual fees are due by each AGM (usually last quarter) for voting rights
Annual Membership: $25 per person or $40 per household. Community associations, societies or related groups, clans, etc: $25 per group (Entitles group to nominate one representative to exercise membership).

Contact: Email: Treasurer

The Council is a peak body of Celtic organisations and communities, with representatives elected from financial members of the Council nominated by the communities.

Welcome to this site - this Page puts you in connection with the Celtic Council of Australia
We hope you enjoy your stay! Splan!

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The Webmaster's personal selection of Celtic Places on the Web - reachable by clicking below :

CCA Facebook page
Celtic Council of Australia - Queensland
The Celtic League - International
Celtic Congress International (New site)
Celtic Congress - International (old site - archived)
Celtic Students Social Group - (NSW) facebook page
Australian Celtic Festival - Glen Innes
Australian Standing Stones, Glen Innes NSW
The Celtic Link - International
House of Tartan
Caer Australis
International Pan Celtic Festival Carlow Eire - postponed to 2022
Dunedin Celtic Arts, NZ
Sydney Irish Ceili Dancers or Margaret Winnett (or 02 9150 6765)
www.harpirishsetdancers.com or Tel. Trish McGrath (02 9580 4865)
Scoil na Gaeilge, Sydney
Visit Ireland
Republic of Ireland - Government
Irish Heritage (WA based)
St Patrick's Day Parade (Sydney based)
Celtic Club (Irish) Melbourne (commercial)
Queensland Irish Association (Brisbane based)
The Irish Echo (commercial publication)
The Blarney Bulletin Irish & Celtic (commercial publication)

Scottish Australian Heritage Council
Scottish House - 62 Railway Pde, Granville, NSW
Tartan Mill Scotland - Former D.C.Dalgleish Mill (commercial)
Comunn Gàidhlig Astràilia (The Scottish Gaelic Association of Australia)
Scotland's Government
Scotland's Parliament
Scottish National Party (SNP)
Scotland - The Official Online Gateway
Canberra Scottish Highland Society & Burns Club
Highland Games & Celtic Festivals
Royal Scottish Country Dance Society
Australian Gaelic Singers - Còisir Ghàidhlig Astràilianach

Scots Heritage Society
Scottish Banner (commercial publication)
Scottish Banner's List of Events
Bocan TV in Ghaidhlig - for children
Cli Gaidhlig - Learn the Scots Gaelic language
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig - Gaelic language courses from Skye

National Assembly for Wales - Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
Datganiad Uluru o'r Galon Diwedd - Uluru Statement from the Heart
Welsh Nationalist Party ( Plaid Cymru )
Click on Wales
Western Australia Welsh Society
St Davids Welsh Society of Brisbane Inc.
Wollongong Welsh Choir
Cantorion Cymreig - Victoria Welsh Choir
Melbourne Male Voice Choir
Southern Highlands Welsh Society Inc. email - Cymdeithas Gymraeg Ucheldir Ddeol - PO Box 417 Moss Vale NSW 2577
Say it in Welsh - learn some Cymraig (Welsh language)
Menter Patagonia - Welsh in Patagonia
Gladiad - The Welsh in Patagonia
Watch and sing along - Ymo O Hyd - Wer'e still here!


Cornish Association of NSW - official web site
NSW Cornish heritage site pages (Dr J Symonds)

Cornish Association of Victoria Inc
Cornish Association of SA (est. 1890)
Cornish Association of South Australia (est. 1890)
The Cornish Gorsedd - Gorsedh Kernow
Bards of Gorsedh Kernow in Australia
Institute of Cornish Studies (UoE)
Cornwall Unitary Authority 2024 'The Cornish' document - well worth a read!
Uluru Statement from the Heart - In Cornish and English
Federation of Old Cornwall Societies & Diaspora page
Mebyon Kernow - The Party for Cornwall - Cornwall's 'Cornwall only' political party
Cornish Language Partnership - Cornwall Council
Cornwall 24 net e-magazine - Independent Pro-Cornish e-magazine
Kresen Kernow - Cornish National Archives
Learn Cornish by correspondence (Kesva an Yeth Kernwek)
Cornwall Council - Konsel Kernow (Alas only an England based Unitary Authority, as yet no devolution)
Cornwall On-Line - Tourism Magazine (commercial business)
Cornwall Live - Media hub (commercial business)

Manx Society of NSW
Queensland Manx Society - Chesnaght Manninagh Queensland
Victoria Manx Society - Contact: Tel: (03) 9848 5115; Address: 6 Burgundy Drive, Doncaster, Vic 3108
Manx Language & Literature
Mannin - Tynwald Site
Mannin - Government Site
Visit Isle of Man
Mann Link Travel Ltd
Isle of Man Forums
Ynsee Gaelg - Learn the Manx language

Bretagne/ Brittany Home Page
Diwan - Breton Youth Education - (in Brezhoneg (Breton) & French)
A Breton Keltek site - (in French)
An Tour Tan - (in French) Le Serveur de la Disapora Breton
Kervarker - Breton Language (In English / Brezhoneg)
Festival Interceltique de Lorient
Agence Bretagne Presse (commercial publication)
The Breton Connection Blog
Gwagenn TV
Bretons in Sydney
Bretons in Sydney Facebook
Bretons from Abroad
BZH Sydney - Breton Dance Classes

Galicia - Pathways for discovery
About Galicia
Celtic Galicia
International Festival of the Celic World - Ortigueira, Galicia
Dioiva - an online newspaper in Galician
For more information email: jameswill@optusnet.com.au

Celtic Asturias
Some Asturian links

Why not enjoy some Celtic 'battle' anthem music from the Ragged Band while you browse this page: "Flower of Scotland" and "Trelawny - a Cornish Anthem "

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| Manx NSW archive | | Cornish Assoc of NSW |

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Feature Report - Celtic Council celebrates 40 years in 2022.

Past and present members of the CCA Committees - 12 November, 2022

On 24 March, 2022 after 40 years to the day since the first meeting to form the CCA, it held a small lunch at the Orient Hotel, The Rocks, Sydney to commemorate. Due to ongoing Covid-19 numbers a larger event may be held later in the year. Convenor Suzanne Jamieson welcomed the small group and awarded foundation members Chris Dunkerley (Cornish) and Clare Dunne OAM (Irish)(in absentia) with Life Membership. Sue Thomas gave a short talk on the rememberances of her late husband Roger Thomas T En E (2nd Convenor). On 12th November a larger celebration lunch was held, with 60 guests, at the Royal Automobile Club, Sydney. The photo shows some of the present and past members of the Committee.

We celebrated 30 years:

The Celtic Council was formed on 24th March, 1982, as a peak body for Celtic community organisations and has continued through the support of many individuals and organisations from within the Celtic communities over those years.

The first meeting was marked 30 years later in 2012 with a short ceremony at the Celtic Studies Foundation at Sydney University, founding member Clare Dunne accepting a certificate to note the milestone.

On 20 April, 2013 after 30 years had been completed by the Steering Committee, it held a lunch at the Kirribilli Club to commemorate. Convenor at the time, Margaret Sharpe (Manx) assisted by Gwen Cryer (Welsh), cut the huge birthday cake. Foundation member Chris Dunkerley gave a short speech of tribute to those who have sustained the Celtic Council over those 30 years.

Past and present members of CCA Committees, at the 40th Year Lunch in 2022
Feature Report - Australian Celtic Festival 2012

Since the Celtic Council was formed on 24th March, 1982, as a peak body for Celtic community organisations it has encouraged Celtic activities, including establishing the Australian Standing Stones at Glen Innes along with the local community. After inauguration of the Standing Stones and establishment of Guardians, The Australian Celtic Festival, in Glen Innes, was started in 1992. The Celtic Council of Australia was of course there and here is a very brief report. The 20th festival was held in May 2012. A wonderfull weekend of Celtic nations events and ceremonies, plus a wide range of music, featured Breton and Galician dance, and crafts.

It was designated the Year of Brittany and Galicia (acknowledging Asturias) and was held from 3rd to 7 May, 2012. The special guest was the Spanish Consul-General Senor Gerardo Bugallo Otona. Recognition was given at the Guardians lunch to the milestone of 20 years (see cake). Far too much over the weekend to cover it all!

Roger Thomas, past Covenor of the CCA was honoured by the Festival with a Triquetra Award. Celtic honours awards were bestowed on two people, Mayor Steve Thoms (D Ua), and John Mathew was elevated from D Ua to D Urr. More on the Festival here: ACF web site All Celtic communities participate. A report from the Cornish community here: Cornish at ACF

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Historic Feature Report - Celtic Awards Dinner 2011

Since the Celtic Council was formed on 24th March, 1982, as a peak body for Celtic community organisations it has held occasional social functions. The main events on the calendar are the annual Celtic Awards Dinners, held at Celtic New Year, when many of the Celtic honours and other awards are made, and involvement in Celtic Festivals - including the Australian Celtic Festival at Glen Innes.

As an example, this report is on the 2011 one which was held on Friday 28 October, 2011 at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, West Ryde attended by 60 guests from the Council and many of the Celtic communities. The special guest, and speaker, was the Spanish Consul-General (left) - Gerardo Bugallo Otona

Awards were bestowed on three people, and presented by Margaret Sharpe, CyC, the Convenor of the Cetic Council: Cyfaill y Celtaidd (Friend of the Celt) to Valerie J Cameron Smith; Duine Uasal (Honoured Person) D.Ua to Walter Sinclair Kerr; and a posthumous award of Duine Urramach (Honoured person) D.Urr to Martha Jean Marshall
(awards and those who collected them are on the right)

Thanks go to guests for attending, and special mention to the many sponsors and supporters of the Dinner:
'All the Best - UK Treats', Celtic Contact, Celtic Cottage, Celtic Shenanigans, Celtic Stationery, Judith Warren, Mainly Welsh, Margaret Sharpe, Scottish Accessories Shoppe, Scottish Banner, The Slate Lady, and Mercedes Williams. Thank you all!

(right mouse click on image, 'view image' - to see in larger size)

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page by clicking below!


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Some Coming Events Information:

Click here for CCA major feature festivals and events


Welsh Church - At St Peter's Presbyterian Church, cnr Blue Street and Blues Point Road, North Sydney. Services - Second Sunday of month at 3pm.

Cantorian Welsh Male Voice Choir

St Patrick's Day - Parade, Sydney - March, 2023 tba www.stpatricksday.org.au

Scottish Week in NSW - Scottish Heritage Week: June, 2023 View last programme on SAHC

Scotland Australia Cairn WAS Sat 25th June, 2022 - in Scottish week - 36th Annual formal inspection of the Scotland Australia Cairn, in Rawson Park, Mosman. Mosman Scottish Cairn

Tynwald Day Lunch - Manx Community July, 2023

117th Annual Highland Gathering, Friday 7th and Saturday 8th of April 2023 (Easter) - Maclean, NSW, Australia Maclean Highland Gathering

Bundanoon is Brigadoon - 42nd Annual Highland Gathering, NOW 1st April 2023 - Bundanoon, Southern Highlands, NSW, Australia https://brigadoon.org.au/ Book online to save time for 'Admission'.

31st Annual Australian Celtic Festival (ACF) - Australian Standing Stones - Glen Innes, NSW: Thursday 2th to Sunday 5 May, 2024. It will be the Year of Ireland and the Isle of man! More details also from Glen Innes Tourism and from Australian Celtic Festival web site
Clan and societies involvement application form for the ACF: Form

18th David Berry Celtic Festival - Saturday 24th May, 2025 - Berry Showground, Berry NSW. Massed Bands, Celtic Singers, Irish Dancers, Colonial Dancers, Caber Tossing/Haggis Hurling, Celtic societies, and Clans, (Enq. 02 4234.1346), paul@sqsm.com.au

A small ceremony at the Australian Standing Stones on the afternoon of each Celtic Nation’s National Day is held by The Australian Standing Stones Management Board.

After the relevant nation’s flag is lowered, the national anthem is sung and there is a short speech concerning the saint and the nation. This is usually finished off with a toast to the Patron Saint.

This ceremony is held at the flag-pole outside the Crofter’s Cottage and commences in March and November at 5pm (Daylight Saving Time) and in May and July at 4 pm

The dates of course are:

WALES – St. David’s Day – 1st March, CORNWALL – St. Piran’s Day – 5th March, IRELAND – St. Patrick’s Day – 17th March, BRITTANY – St. Yve’s Day – 19th May, ISLE OF MAN – Tynwald Day – 5th July, SCOTLAND – St. Andrew’s Day – 30th November.

For more details contact the Australian Standing Stones Management Board, assmb2022@gmail.com


Beechworth Heritage Festival - Beechworth - VIC - 10th to 12th November, 2023
Contact info: web site has contacts, email info@beechworthcelticfestival.com.au or Ph: 1300366312 (Beechworth information centre) or write to P.O. Box 318 Beechworth Vic 3747

The National Celtic (Folk) Festival: June, 2024 at Portarlington - Bellarine Peninsula, Victoria
(on Port Phillip Bay on the Bellarine Peninsular. Details see web site.
Festival Contact E-Mail celtic@pipeline.com.au> or Phone 0409 017 130
For further information about the National Celtic Festival contact PO Box 1314 Geelong, Vic. 3220; or e-mail: mail@nationalcelticfestival.com
For Program / Press enquiries - Una McAlinden (Director) on 0403 192 631.

Koroit Irish Festival" - 26-28 April, 2024 A 3-day community celebration of the historical irish village of Koroit and its Celtic roots. AWAITING NEW DETAILS:

63rd Geelong Highland Gathering at Goldsworthy Reserve, Goldsworthy Rd Corio - due in March, 2022 (postponed ??). The 2019 Gathering marked 162 years since the first Geelong Highland Gathering was held on New Years day 1858 and will be the 60th anniversary of the modern era, which began in 1958.Expanded in 2013 it also hosts a Scottish folk music concert. Solo piping and drumming competitions on Saturday, March 15, (when entry is free). Pipe band competitions, heavy games, Highland dancing and Scottish Country dancing, Highland martial arts and a market - will be held on Sunday. On the Saturday night, 7:30pm, a Concert for the Clans will be held and some top Scottish folk groups will perform including Taliska, Red Cat and local Geelong group Myra McCrae and Clan. $25 adults, U15 $15. (www.concertfortheclans.com.au for more info). Geelong Highland Gathering Contact: The Secretary, G.H.G.A, P.O.Box 798, Geelong, Victoria 3220 or Phone: (03) 5221 7224 (after hours), Email: daryl.mclure7@bigpond.com

Maryborough Highland Gathering New Years Day 2022 hopefully AWAITING NEW DETAILS:

Melbourne Highland Games & Celtic Festival Inc As per the last 55 years we will still be hosting an annual Festival & Games in Maroondah. Formerly Ringwood Highland Games. Web Site remains: Sunday 3 October 2021 at Eastfield Park in Croydon

Daylesford Highland Gathering Daylesford, Vic. - 3 December, 2022.


Celtic Festival of Queensland - Helidon - Hopefully October, 2024 - Railway Street, Helidon, Qld - 9am to 3pm. Live music, Pipe bands, Celtic Art, books, and History, Medieval Re-enactment, Highland Games, and much more. Enquiries: 0403 434 623 celtichistorians@gmail.com

Celtfest Warwick, Qld - Sept/Oct, 2024. CeltFest Website

Scots in the Bush 18-21 August, 2022 at Boondooma, Qld Website

The Celtic Gathering - Ipswich: in May, 2022 Website


Kernewek Lowender - 27th Cornish Festival (plus Celtic content) - Kadina/Moonta/Wallaroo, S.A. - 12-18 May, 2025 - PO Box 305 Wallaroo SA 5556; Ph: (08) 8821 2333 , 1800 654 991.


'Celtic Shindig': The Best Celtic Party (tba) - Contact: Perth Metro Pipe Band - Phone: 0403 282 410 Email: events@perthmetropb.com.au Web: www.perthmetropb.com.au/

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The Story of the Celtic Council of Australia :

The Celtic Council was formed on 24th March, 1982 at a public meeting held at 213 Clarence St Sydney, by representatives of five of the six then known Celtic Communities in NSW. The Council was established with a vision of being over time a wider and more Australia-wide body. In attendance were 22 people - for the Scots, Irish, Welsh, Cornish, and Manx communities - Peter Alexander, Katherine Graham, Angus MacKenzie, David Scotland, Peter Olsen, Rosemary Samios, Anne-Marie Whitaker, D. Kennedy, Ruairidh Boid, B.G. Taylor, Roger J Thomas, Chris Dunkerley, G.B. Ferrow, A.H. Spire, Catrenia Phillips, Bernard. K. Martin, W. John Coombs, Julie Moffat, E. Williams, Jean Williams, Clare Dunne, Alan Duncan. An interim steering committee was formed, with Peter Alexander as Convenor. A Breton representative attended the next meeting. The 1st AGM was held a year later on 27 April, 1983 with 34 present.

Its Incorporation in 2001 at NSW level was a step to improving Australia wide operations. In July 2003 the newly elected Council standing committee voted in principle to in the future reconstitute operationaly as a NSW level body, and endorsed a National Constitution which went to similar Victorian and Queensland groups at the time for consideration.

The key instigator and driving force behind the Celtic Council project was Mr Peter Alexander, then of the Scottish Heritage Council, and he was elected as the first Convenor of the Council and of its Steering Committee. After 17 years continuous and distinguished service Peter retired and was recognised with the top Celtic honour (C tu C) and was appointed to the Committee as a 'life member'. Peter sadly passed away on 26th December 2003 but a huge legacy of his in the form of the Celtic Council of Australia Inc. and the Australian Standing Stones, lives on!

Under Peter's care the Council was involved in the launch of the Australian Celtic Journal, development of academic courses at universities and other centres, the instigation of the Australian Standing Stones at Glen Innes NSW, along with the Australian Celtic Festival there, the Celtic Australia Day Festival at North Sydney NSW (now defunct), and recognition of the National Celtic Folk Festival in Geelong, Vic (now Port Arlington).

The 20th year of the Council's existence saw it become an incorporated body, and expansion of the Committee of Management brought fresh ideas for it's 3rd decade. This web site's continued development is one of those. A major review of the Council's vision, mission, and objectives, and it's national and state roles, was undertaken.

The Convenor who followed Peter for 5 years of consolidation of its structures and festival growth was Mr Roger Thomas (T en U, Bard of the Cornish Gorsedd) of the Cornish community. The next Convenor from 2004/2005 to 2006/2007 was Mr Rory McCrudden, the first of the Irish community.

The immediate past Convenor (2007/2008 to 2015/2016) was Mrs Margaret Sharpe CyC of the Manx Community who saw the Council complete its 30th year, and beyond. Next Convenor was Dr Suzanne Jamieson (2017 - 2022) of the Scottish Community who was elected on 26 September 2016.

The current President is Dr Pamela O'Neill (2022 - current ) who had been representing the Irish Community, who was first elected on 21 November 2022. Note: leader's title changed from Convenor in the Rules at the AGM 2023

State level organisations under the banner of Celtic Council of Australia exist in NSW and Queensland (and previously in the ACT). Discussions had been held with kindred groups in Victoria, Tasmania, ACT and SA. Formation of other state level organisations in various states / Territories would be welcomed.

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Celtic Education & Training (in NSW):

Australian School of Celtic Learning, Glen Innes, NSW - Celtic Studies Based at The Croft Celtic Cultural Centre and Cafe - online courses, workshops, seminars, webinars, retreats etc.

The Australian School of Celtic Learning - Present the latest and best research in the field of Celtic learning to all their students, whether their interest is genealogical, spiritual, historical or linguistic. Programmes are arranged in four terms each year, each beginning on one of the Celtic festivals of Imbolc, Bealtaine, Lughnasadh and Samhain. Offering includes study days, evening courses, residential immersion schools and overseas study tours. Topics for programmes range widely over topics of Celtic interest, with a particular focus on the early medieval period, and on medieval and modern Celtic languages.

Scoil na Gaeilge Sydney - Irish Language School, Sydney: Irish language classes and events

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The Australian CELTIC JOURNAL:

The Celtic Council has published an academic journal - The Australian Celtic Journal

The Australian Celtic Journal was established in 1988 by the Celtic Council of Australia. The aim of the Journal was to provide a quality forum for Australian Celticists, both academics and community members. Since 1988 fourteen (15) issues have appeared!

Journal Edition No. 15 is now available! Back copies No. 1 - 14 are available to order.

LATEST Click here: Australian Celtic Journal to find out more and to order or make an enquiry.

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Some Celtic Festivals in Australia:

Celtic Council organised or recognised:
30th Australian Celtic Festival - Australian Standing Stones - Glen Innes - NSW - 1 to 4 May, 2025 - the Year of Brittany, Cornwall and wales.

More details from Glen Innes Tourism

After 25 Celtic Australia Day Festivals up to 2014 - Due to decisions by North Sydney Council this event is no longer held.
Australian National Celtic Folk Festival - at Portarlington - VIC - June 2025

Other recognised Celtic, or Celtic Community, Festivals:
Kernewek Lowender - 27th Cornish Festival (plus Celtic content) - Kadina/Moonta/Wallaroo, S.A. - May, 2025 - PO Box 305 Wallaroo SA 5556; Ph: (08) 8821 2333 , 1800 654 991.
[Awaiting update] 26th Beechworth Celtic Festival - Beechworth - VIC - November, 2023.
The festival will again feature music, dancing, the street parade of mass piped bands and the array of street and free performances that abound in this festival town.
Contact info: web site has contacts, email info@beechworthcelticfestival.com.au or Ph: 1300366312 (Beechworth information centre) or write to P.O. Box 318 Beechworth Vic 3747

[Awaiting Update] Kapunda Celtic Festival - Kapunda, SA - Next expected 16 to 17 September 2023. For next Festival details contact Vicki (08) 8564.0462 ah
Scottish Week in NSW - June 2025 - Contact: 02 9982 6229
Bundanoon is Brigadoon / 44th Annual Highland Gathering (Scots, with Celtic content) - Saturday 5 April, 2025 Bundanoon, Southern Highlands, NSW
Mosman - Annual Inspection of the Cairn - June 2025 - at the Scottish Cairn, Rawson Park, Mosman - NSW.
18th Berry Celtic Festival - Saturday 24th May, 2025 - at the David Berry Showground, Berry NSW. Enquiries: paul@sqsm.com.au or Contact 02 4234 1346 Website
16th Bonnie Wingham Celtic Festival May/June 2025 - Wingham, NSW (Enq. 02 6553.2582) or email: lochaber@tsn.cc - or https://bwsf.zyrosite.com/
116th Maclean Highland Gathering - Easter Saturday 2023 (7 April) - Maclean, NSW. www.macleanhighlandgathering.com.au
23rd Aberdeen Highland Games - Saturday 5th July, 2025 - Aberdeen, NSW Web site
Clans on the Coast: 14th Celtic Festival. 3rd weekend in September - now at Raymond Terrace Sports Fields, Grahamstown Dam and a Sat night Ceilidh at Raymond Terrace Bowling Club - All Welcome. ) - refer for soon to be available full details to www.clansonthecoast.com
Largest Cornish Festival in the world: 26th Kernewek Lowender York Peninsula, South Australia - 12-18 May, 2025 (52 years on!)

AWAITING NEW DETAILS: 60th Geelong Highland Gathering at Deakin University's Campus at Waurn Ponds, Geelong - March, 2018. Expanded again in 2013 it hosted a Scottish folk music concert. Solo piping and drumming competitions on Saturday (when entry is free). Pipe band competitions, heavy games, Highland dancing and Scottish Country dancing, Highland martial arts and a market - will be held on Sunday, March 3. On the Saturday night, 7:30pm, a Concert for the Clans will be held in the K.D Stewart Centre at the university, which seats 600 people and some top Scottish folk groups will perform including Taliska, Red Cat and local Geelong group Myra McCrae and Clan. $25 adults, U15 $15. (www.concertfortheclans.com.au for more info). Geelong Highland Gathering Contact: The Secretary, G.H.G.A, P.O.Box 798, Geelong, Victoria 3220 or Phone: (03) 5221 7224 (after hours), Email: daryl.mclure7@bigpond.com

Some other known Celtic or Celtic Community events:
AWAITING NEW DETAILS: 21st Kilmore Celtic Festival - Last 22 to 24 June, 2018? Kilmore, Victoria Tickets - Ring 03 5781 1711 or email: Kilmore Celtic Festival
AWAITING NEW DETAILS: Ringwood Highland Games
Sunday, the 25th of March 2018? at East Ringwood Sports Ground
AWAITING NEW DETAILS: Gippsland Celtic Music Festival - Not known if still held - please advise - was Second last weekend of November at Neerim South, Victora: E-mail

AWAITING NEW DETAILS: Queenland Celtic Festival - Helidon - November, 2018 - Railway Street, Helidon, Qld - 9am to 3pm. Live music, Pipe bands, Celtic Art, books, and History, Medieval Re-enactment, Highland Games, and much more. Enquiries: 0403 434 623 celtichistorians@gmail.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Celtic-Festival-of-Queensland-223495471034429/
AWAITING NEW DETAILS: Tullamore Irish Festival - Tullamore, NSW - 2018 (Easter?) (15th annual festival) Tullamore or Email Enquiries or ring Parkes Visitors Centre 02 6862 6000
AWAITING NEW DETAILS: Birregurra Celtic Festival - Birregurra, via Colac, Victoria - was last held on 27 to 29 May, 2011 Festivals - Birregurra area

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The Australian Celtic Honours system:

The Celtic Council awards personal Celtic honours for meritorious service to Celtic affairs, with a right to use a distinctive post nominal.

The Honours:

For more information on the process for nominations contact the Awards Registrar, c/o Secretary, Email: Honours Secretary for award of an honour to a worthy person [eg. on some traditional Celtic seasonal festival days; Autumn (March), Winter (June), Spring (September) and Summer (November) Soltices OR at other key events during the year (eg. for the Awards Lunch, and at ACF Glen Innes); the committee will consider and award personal honours to be known as Australian Celtic Honours

Such honours awarded currently consist of the following 5 categories:

  • Duine Uasal (Post nominal - D Ua) (From the Irish language - "Honoured Person / (Celtic) Gentleman or woman"). To be awarded to persons who have given honourable service to a single Celtic community, or on a particular occasion, or whom the Celtic Council of Australia wishes to so honour. (green pin/ribbon)

  • Duine Urramach (D Urr) (From Scots Gaelic - "Noble Person / Honoured Person"). To be awarded to persons who have given distinguished service to one of the communities or on a particular occasion or to the Celtic Council itself. (blue pin/ribbon)

  • Cyfaill y Celtiad (C y C) (From Welsh - "Friend of the Celt/s'). To be awarded for distinguished service to whole Celtic community or the Celtic Council itself or for very distinguished service to a part of the Celtic community. (red pin/ribbon)

  • Tus Enorys Ewn (T En E) (From Cornish - "Truly Honoured Person"). To be awarded for most distinguished service to the Celtic community. (black pin/ribbon)

  • Chairn Tustey Ceiltagh (C Tu C) (From Manx - "Leader of Celtic Learning"). To be awarded for successful leadership in the Celtic community. (yellow pin/ribbon)

Nominations Guidelines - for nominators and referees

The award of Honours is made by the Celtic Council of Australia to recognise members of Celtic communities who have performed significant service for the Celtic cause.

Awards are given to persons who have given service to a single Celtic community or on a particular occasion or whom one of the community member organisations desires to honour or for successful leadership in the Celtic community or such other as the Council decides. Read carefully the description of award levels above.

Nominations for Celtic Honours are brought to the Standing Committee of the Celtic Council of Australia for confirmation and approval. In the first instance nominations should be addressed to any member of the Standing Committee or to the Hon Secretary who will table them at the next suitable meeting of the Council.

The form of the nomination may be typed or handwritten and sent by hand, postal service, facsimile or e-mail. It should include the full name, title, address and contact number(s) of the nominee; the reason, effect and significance as to why consideration should given; a list of the relevant positions with dates of service and responsibilities; demonstration of achievement and contribution and referee names where appropriate.

Your comments should be particular and need not be lengthy. While nominations are likely to be referenced the nominee will not be approached on the matter of the nomination.

When the nomination has been adjudicated, the nominator will be advised and, where appropriate, arrangement will be made as to an award ceremony.

For more information on the Celtic Honours system of the Celtic Council of Australia contact a member of the Standing Committee or to get information on lodging an honours nomination contact the Honorary Secretary (as above).

Note: Over the decades that the honours system has been operating there have been minor adjustments - eg. pin colours, ribbon changes, introduction of purchaseable medals, naming and meaning clarifications - but ALL recipients of each Award and Post Nominal retain the same high status and honour as when they were awarded, for their lifetime and for perpetuity.

CCA Honours Guideline Principles 2009 (ie.view/print pdf)
CCA Honours Guideline Notes 2009 (ie.view/print pdf)

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Celtic commercial and Not for profits - links:

Celtic Council Certificates :
Celtic Dreaming Jewellery , Tel: 02 6629 1569 ; Fax: 02 6629 1603 Postal Address: P.O.Box 303, Clunes, N.S.W. Australia

Other Recognised services:

Scottish House - 62 Railway Pde, Granville, NSW. Ph: (02) 9637 6008 - Thursdays 10am to 3pm. Postal: PO Box 42 Granville 2142 Email: info@Scottishhouse.org.au (Commercial)
St Kilda Tartan Australia - All Things Tartan - 166 Glebe Road, Booval, Qld 4304 Ph: (07) 3282-0031 Karen Manger, Kiltmaker
Denwar Harps - Celtic Harps of various sizes - 22 to 36 strings made from salvaged rainforest timbers! Workshop 1626 Waterfall Way, Bellingen, NSW 2454. Ph: (02) 6655 1326 Denwar Harps ; Denny Warner at Denwar
Scottish Tartan & Clan Shop , Tel: 02 9819 7208 Fax: 02 9819 7629 E-mail: Scottish Clan Shop (commercial) Postal Address: Birkenhead Shopping Centre, Drummoyne, N.S.W. Australia
Highland House, 102 Cairns Terrace, Cnr Hayward Street, Red Hill Qld 4059 (PO Box 280) Ph: (07) 3369 4014 Fax: (07) 3217 5892; Highland House (commercial) E-Mail
The Ceilidh Singer - Scots and Celtic - Colin Douglas, Lonad Presentations, PO Box 4126 Gosford West, NSW 2250 ; Ph: (02) 4324 5405 ; E-Mail: Colin Douglas
Bodhrans - Seamus & Joan Mackey, 11 Duncan Street, Woolamin, NSW 2340 ; Ph: (02) 6764 2321
Celtic Dawn Email them - Celtic flags and momentos, tartan scarves and tams - PO Box 1627, Sunnybank Hills, Qld 4109 Mob: 04 2410 5724 Ph/fax: 07 3711 3012
Celtic Music - Tutoring in Bodhran & Whistle Alison's Music Tutoring and Celtic Dreamtime Music : Harpist & guitarist, + Celtic band, phone Steve (02) 9834 1273 email Alison
Sydney Irish Ceili Dancers Go to their web site: www.sydneyirishceilidancers.com.au
The Harp Irish Set Dancers www.harpirishsetdancers.com Tel. Trish McGrath (02 9580 4865) : email setdancetrish@hotmail.com
Mainly Welsh - Celtic items www.mainlywelsh.com.au : email Contact Mainly Welsh
Tartan Mill Scotland - Former D.C.Dalgleish Mill - (Direct order tartan ) (commercial)

These services listed are KNOWN, and listed pending any further classification - for information only - the CCA does not necessarily endorse or take any responsibility (contact the webmaster):

- contact webmaster for more information.

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For more information contact the webmaster (Chris Dunkerley CyC):
Telephone 61+2+(0)409 393 059 OR

Top Banner Photo: Australian Standing Stones, Glen Innes - in snow 2002 - by (the late) John 'Trigger' Tregurtha CyC - with his kind permission.

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Disclaimer: The CCA Inc is reliant on member organisations and the Celtic community generally for the freshness, completness, and accuracy of information displayed here

Importantly The CCA does not guarantee the accuracy of any information, nor take any responsibility for any inaccuracy or for any consequences which may arise for any person who acts on such information believing it to be accurate. All links are tested for accessibility and relevance at time of first loading. External links are only provided for access to information relevant to interests of the Celtic community and the CCA accepts no responsibility whatsoever or howsoever arising for the content of any third party site which is accessed through the said links. The CCA does not thereby endorse any referenced web or Facebook site owners’ objectives or activities nor the purported objectives and/or activities of the linked or referenced site. Feedback if any please to the Webmaster.

| 25 years online - These pages were operational from 9 July, 1999 |
| This page was last updated on 5 February, 2025

| Copyright © CCA Inc 1999 - 2025 | | Webmaster: Chris Dunkerley |

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