Established on 16 April 1975 at a meeting in the Old Toongabbie Methodist Schoolroom, the Cornish Association of Sydney was formed - now renamed the Cornish Association of New South Wales ( CANSW ) We will celebrate our 50 years on 16 April, 2025 (stay tuned for news as this date approaches)
Membership (which is by household) is currently just 70 households, covering about 120 people across NSW. We are very small, and widely spread, so new members are always welcome! 45% of our members are outside Sydney, and %5 outside NSW. There is plenty of room for growth as there are many Cornish people working or retired in Australia, and over 1% (or about 100,000 people) in the State of NSW have quite strong Cornish ancestry, starting in 1788 with the arrival of convict Cornishman James Ruse and his countrymen on the First Fleet! Why not contact us?
The CANSW follows an earlier association/s which was established in the late 1880s and lasted well past the 1920s, with some such existence known until the 1950s. The modern CANSW was formed in Sydney initially by post-WWII Cornish immigrants for social and cultural activities but soon gained many members of Cornish descent (up to the 6th generation) across the state.
Today, the CANSW has people with interests covering a broad scope: Old and modern Cornish culture, migration, family history, history, language, music, dance, food, Celtic connections, Cornish heritage (in Cornwall and Australia [see Stories pages]), Cornwall today, social contact, and more. Members receive 6 newsletters per year, which are also lodged as ISSN with the NSW State Library and Australian National Library, plus on NED.
The Stories Site covers a wide range of Cornish heritage and history in NSW.
CANSW Heritage projects in Australia in the Stories Site include:
< Byng and its Chapel: The story from the 1840s to the present day.
Some of the pages which make up the Cornish Settlement or Byng story on the site: The Cornish Settlement starts: Byng & its Chapel, Bethel Rock and 'Parson' Tom, A Visit to the Orange & District Historical Museum - William Tom's Pipe Organ & a Tribute to William & Ann Tom, Wesleyan Baptisms at Byng, Wesleyan Cemetery Records at Byng, The First Australian Payable Gold Discovery.
< Cadia Engine House : A story of stabilisation and repair, together with many stories of Cadia Village and the opening of the new copper/gold mine.
And there is much more about the Cobar Cornish Family and Mining, the story
of a Bal Maiden who recognised copper ore shown her
Members have extra access to a range of web pages covering: membership renewal form, sample newsletters, many talks & articles, list of sales items and our large library listing for members use, etc. For Cornish Association members resources, research, and library
Involvement with Cornish Associations and their activities interstate (eg. Kernewek Lowender in South Australia, and Victorian Celtic Festivals) is a key part of the Associations programme as are involvement in other Celtic Festivals (eg. the Australian Celtic Festival at Glen Innes).
As part of the on-going Calendar, there is Association attendance in May at the Australian Celtic Festival at Glen Innes in the north of NSW. In the past there were heritage activities at the old Cornish Settlement and Chapel at Byng (near Orange), and occasionally such other operations as those at Cadia and Cobar.
Find out what Events are coming up in the CANSW Calendar. You would be very welcome at any of them.
To enquire about Membership write to the Secretary at the address shown below, or
Send an E-mail to the Secretary at
If you would like to learn more about Cornwall and Cornish culture, some of the wider activities associated with its members, or Cornish communities around the world you can use the following links provided by the CANSW Secretary:
Kernewek - the Celtic Cornish language that is alive: A Basic Cornish Dictionary for your interest.
Overseas and local link suggestions:
Talks and papers: Sample video Cornish in NSW and Mining (prepared for Cobar Mining Museum Cornish Mining NSW
Others: Previous Talks and Papers
A few Cornish food recipes - CANSW (incl. Pasty)
Cornish names for babies
Some Cornish surnames
The Cornish Gorsedd - Gorsedh Kernow - the home of the Bards of Cornwall
Bards of Cornwall in Australia - our local Bards
Cornwall Unitary Authority 2024 'The Cornish' document - well worth a read!
Institute of Cornish Studies (UoE)
Federation of Old Cornwall {Kernow Goth] Societies & Diaspora page
Kernewek Lowender festival web site - South Australia
Celtic Council of Australia Inc. - the peak body for the Celtic communities in Australia
Australian Celtic Festival - biennial festival in Glen Innes, NSW
Mebyon Kernow - The Party for Cornwall (politics)
Maga Kernow - Cornish Language Partnership - Cornwall Council supported source on Kernewek
Kernewek / English Lexicon - Find meanings of Cornish words (in KK format)
Learn Cornish by correspondence (old) or new site Kesva's new KDL
Agan Tavas - Society for the Protection and Promotion of the Cornish Language
Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek - Cornish Language Fellowship e-magazine - Independent Cornish world wide e-magazine, news & views (also Facebook page)
Cornwall On-Line - Tourism Magazine (commercial)
Cornwall Community News - Local district news and views (commercial)
This Is Cornwall - English owned media hub (commercial)
Cornwall Council / Konsel Kernow - Alas only an England linked Unitary Authority as yet
Cornish Assembly - A constitutional convention seeking a Senedh Kernow (Cornwall Assembly)
A timeline of Cornish History - from Cornwall Council
Cornish Culture - Celebrate Kernow - a free guide to some of the culture of Cornwall
Cowethas Sen Perran - Cornish Celtic Christianity
Sing in Cornish - some well known songs but sung in Cornish (video and words)
The Cornish Gazette - crazy stuff around some serious news
Bewnans Kernow - Partnership of Cornish cultural organisations (incl links to lots of groups)
Cornish Story - an initiative of Cornish Audio Visual Archive (CAVA) based at Institute of Cornish Studies
Cornish National Music Archive - a place to find Cornish music of different traditions
NSWACT Association of Family History Societies
Cornwall Online Parish Clerks site
Cornwall Family History Society
MyCornwall TV - mainly video items (incl. language)
Living in Cornwall - a personal look at Cornwall
Cornish Global Migration Programme
Uluru Statement from the Heart - In Cornish and English
Joy Dunkerley, 34 Circular Avenue, Sawtell NSW 2452
Chris Dunkerley, 34 Circular Avenue, Sawtell NSW 2452
CANSW President, and Treasurer:
Tel: 0428 617 830
Email: President
CANSW Hon. Secretary; and for membership, newsletter editor and website:
Tel: 0409 393 059
Email for enquiries and general correspondence:
Kindred Cornish Association in Australia and NZ :
Cornish Association of Victoria Inc
Cornish Association of South Australia (est. 1890)
Cornish Associations of New Zealand